Sunday, February 11, 2007

Frank's Home

Playwrights Horizons

Charles Isherwood at the Times didn't like this play but I did. So there. Quite possibly the first story about an architect I have ever come across, I was fascinated with all the architect shop talk and the spelling out of what makes a beautiful building beautiful. And I had no idea Frank Lloyd Wright (played brilliantly by Robocop) was such a self-absorbed prick! The crowd of very damaged people writhing at his feet elevated this play to near soap-operatic heights. And that's a good thing! I assume FLW probably wouldn't like this play either. But I did. So there.

1 comment:

  1. Your review was short, petulant, and self there!

    Seriously though, you couldn't tell Frank Loyd Right was a prick by looking at his buildings??
