
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Garside's Career

In Garside's Career, written by Harold Brighouse before the first World War, Peter Garside is a skilled mechanic and avid Union member in 1914 Midlanton, England. He has just completed a university degree, an unusual achievement for a member of the working class. The Union and Garside's friends recruit him to run for Parliament, and why not? In addition to his degree, he possesses excellent oratory skills, prodigious energy, and much charisma. Garside wins, and off he goes to Parliament to fight for unions and the working man. Just one problem: his ambition and ego are every bit as big as his talent and charm.

Daniel Marconi and Amelia White
Photo: Maria Baranova

This is the Mint at its best, finding a worthy forgotten play and bringing it to life with top-notch direction, acting, and production values. In these days of shows being revised, rethought, and adapted (and occasionally destroyed), watching a thoughtful, respectful, excellent production of a smart, interesting, heartfelt play is a special treat. Thanks as always to the Mint for giving us so many of these special treats.

Sara Haider, Avery Whitted, Melissa Maxwell
Photo: Maria Baranova

Interestingly enough, Garside's Career represents a certain set of values in a way that undercuts those values, without, I think, meaning to do so. [here be spoilers] While clearly in favor of unions and fairness and hard work and being true to one's neighbors and friends, the play presents money and status as so seductive that Garside succumbs in about 30 seconds. He ends up in debt and neglects his role in Parliament to chase money. Eventually, the Union and his friends force him to resign from Parliament. He goes into a huge big-boy tantrum, furious at anyone who would interrupt his pity party. After a week of this, his old girlfriend, a solid, hard-working, unimaginative woman, reappears, ready to take him back. First she calls him on his shit, then she sets conditions. All she asks is that he give up everything that makes him him: ambition and ego, yes, but also talent and creativity. She wants him back in the world of mechanics, and, chastened, he agrees. So, he throws away everything he could do and be. Yes, he messed up, big time. But baby with the bathwater! With the support of his wife-to-be and the rest of the community, he might be able to learn to use his talents for good. More to the point, he will never stick to these agreements. Sooner or later, he will explode back into himself. Probably sooner. [end of spoilers]

The fact that I cared enough to argue  with a play that is over a century old shows the value of the Mint's work. Yesterday's plays have much to say to us today. And first-class productions are always welcome.

Wendy Caster

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

After Endgame

Photo by Josh Goleman. Design: Armistead Booker

When playing chess never move your pawn to F4 since it makes your king vulnerable and, as Kevin James Doyle advises, "If you're playing anyone even decent at chess, they're going to know you don't know what you're doing  and they're going to destroy you."

Doyle, a comedian, actor and chess instructor, starts After Endgame with this anecdote, a 70-minute conversation on chess, comedy and the deceptions present in life and the games we play. While knowledge of chess allows you to engage in a match before or after showtime on the boards that dot the tables surrounding the stage, the performance aims to amuse all, especially the neophytes.

Besides offering basic game strategies, Doyle entertains by interweaving the history of chess with his own experience as a teacher who’s completed more than 6,500 lessons with students as young as 3 and as old as 94. Jokes about why he can’t play a pedophile on “Law & Order” (What parent would hire Mr. Kevin as a chess teacher afterward?) are mixed with stories about master chess players such as American Paul Morphy to the 1956 Game of the Century that established a 13-year-old Bobby Fischer as an emerging presence when he sacrificed his Queen to beat the twice-his-age Donald Byrne.

Photo by Josh Goleman

Along the way, Doyle recounts what happened when a rich investor sponsored his trip to Singapore, where he taught chess to the local elite and their offspring as he sought financing for a chess-inspired business. The basement bar extends the lesson with a Chess Museum of sorts that features images of past games and champions that Doyle curated with director Cory Cavin and set designer Charles Matte.

After Endgame is playing at the SoHo Playhouse’s Huron Room (15 Vandam St., NYC) through March 8, and then on March 30 and 31 at The Lyric Hyperion (2105 Hyperion Ave., Los Angeles). [See the After Endgame trailer]

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


The delightful NAATCO-Play on Shakespeare all-femme, all-Asian-American production of Shakespeare's Cymbeline only runs through Feb. 15. If you are a fan of first-class theatre that is beautifully directed, fabulously acted, well-designed, and extremely funny, go. Seriously, Go! Tickets run from $25 to $55. Who says theatre has to be expensive? (Click here for more information or to buy tickets.)

NAATCO's description of the show: 

In a world shattered by tyranny and poisoned by misogyny, Cymbeline tells the story of a young woman's flight from despair to heroism as she rediscovers her lost siblings and brings order to a kingdom ruled by chaos. Performed by an ensemble of eleven women, Cymbeline is a story of hope and rebirth in the unlikeliest of circumstances.


I just don't have the time right now to actually review the show, but I wanted this up asap. I hope you get to see it!

Wendy Caster

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Mrs. Loman

Mrs. Loman, Barbara Cassady's sequel to Death of a Salesman, starts right after Willy's funeral. Linda Loman, her sons Biff and Happy, and next door neighbor Charley and his son Bernard gather at the Loman home to toast Willy. (The set was designed by Christopher & Justin Swader. The costumes were designed by Patricia Marjorie. Both are evocative and handsome.) They wonder why so few people came to the funeral. They wonder why Willy killed himself (and in that particular way). They wonder, Who was Willy? But while Arthur Miller wrote that attention must be paid to Willy, Cassady thinks that attention must be paid to Linda. It's a great idea, and Mrs. Loman, gracefully directed by Meghan Finn and boasting an excellent cast, mostly does it justice. 

 ​Photo: Mari Eimas-Dietrich

The plot hits a number of familiar points as Linda, with the help of her new friend Esther, has the sort of adventures that one might see in a movie starring Jane Fonda and/or Diane Keaton and/or Lily Tomlin and/or many other actresses over sixty. But Cassady and the terrific Monique Vukovic revitalize these tropes by providing a compelling, three-dimensional Linda, for whom these tropes are true adventures in a true life. And Linda is taking a philosophy course, and enjoying it, as she rethinks her life. 

The plotlines for Biff and Happy seem to me to be reasonable and interesting, if depressing, outgrowths of the characters' earlier lives as shown in Salesman. And Linda's responses underscore how she is growing into her own version of herself.

It is disappointing that Mrs. Loman gets in its own way. (Spoilers in this  paragraph.) Cassady has grafted onto the play an annoying contemporary female character who comments on the action and occasionally becomes involved in weird ways (helping Linda dress; snapping her fingers for lights to come on). She adds nothing that the play doesn't already say. It feels as though Cassady didn't trust her own work to tell the story and/or thought the play needed to be less traditional. But the traditional play is good, insightful, and evocative and doesn't need a gimmick, particularly an annoying one. (End of spoilers.)

I would love to see a rewritten version, with the schtick carved away and the story/play allowed to shine.

Wendy Caster