Rory O'Malley, Bryan Fenkhart,
Autumn Hurlbert, Lauren Molina,
Roe Hartrampf, Heath Calvert |
If you are looking for an entertaining piece of fluff, the musical
Nobody Loves You at the Second Stage might be for you. The story of a philosophy major who goes on a reality show to get his girlfriend back,
Nobody Loves You mixes a spoonful of social satire with a gallon of predictable love story and comes up with an amiable 90 minutes. Written by Itamar Moses (book and lyrics) and Gaby Alter (music and lyrics),
Nobody Loves You has some funny moments and some witty lyrics, but the rest of the lyrics are generic and the music is bland. The cast is game and energetic; Rory O'Malley and the chronically underutilized Leslie Kritzer are particularly good. Overall, the show shrinks on you the further away you get from it, but I did have a good time while it was actually in progress.
(second row center; subscription ticket)
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